A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Cloud Tribal says:

W00t,first comment. :p

Lol. xD I thought they had diapers though? They are babies right?

2 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

Diamonds and guns can be a dangerous cocktail, especaily followed with some moonshine collabarations. groupies grone and drone alone with the white speckled now shoes under the matchstick men. This is the appearence of rains in trestles and with joyess conclusions.

3 | Xerro says:

MC should also be happy it didn't come with a pacifier. Good comic as ever.

4 | Seargent Big says:

Funny, that they would notice something like that. Suction cups seem as good as killing things in this as anything else.

5 | uberninja says:


6 | Patrick says:

Great comic

Also in response to flash- we are shaped by fate just as we shape it

7 | GOD says:

hah! nice.... its true though.

8 | evilguineapig423 says:

that was great. maybe they'll get actual guns

9 | ansomble28 says:

Wow, that was pretty funny. I'm glad too, because thats the first comic in a LOOOONG time that I've laughed to myself at after reading through the first time. GJ

10 | Spartan-287 says:

hahaha, i always wondered abuout that.

11 | Falcon says:

Lol! The guns with the suction cups and the diapers are just amusing! Great comic! Gruntsbane does it again! What is that yellow cloud surrounding the banshee?

12 | DeathsPaleHorse says:

lol...lol...lol...*fall from chair, broke something*...*limping back to chair*... too funny! MC should be lucky he didn't get blown up good as well!