A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Seargentbig says:

Whoop! Nice humour.

2 | Curly says:

first post!

keep up the great work

3 | Sh4dowSn1p3r says:

OMG THATS GREAT!!! keep it up!!

BTW W00T 3rd post

4 | Cloud Tribal says:

XD Hilarious.

It'd be really cool if you could do that in the game.

5 | Kritz says:

Heh. Well, this is /MY/ first post.

Great comic. Too bad the only thing destructable there were the lamps(?)... oh, and the elites.

6 | gameplayrevolution says:

A masterpiece, pure and simple, deep and true.What else it is, all it is, how deep it goes, what emotional power it contains, I cannot suggest in this review, because I will not spoil the experience of following this story into the deepest secrets of life and death. This is the best comic of the year.

7 | iceravenVI says:

Cool within the first ten posts! i'm going to tell haloplanet...

nice backgrounds. good punchline. A hit. and funny too! and yeah it would be cool if you could destruct the metro bridge...

8 | Blaz says:

kewl.. hit right on the mark =]

9 | Kanman-075 says:

Yep, that's my brother right there. Blows up everything in sight! Good job Gruntsbane, great comic!

10 | Sarge says:

gruntsbane please start some arbiter comics, to your current comic: get a wraith, get it to boost right behind the scorpian.....

11 | MechaRaum says:

hahaha, very nice!

12 | ZoomZoom71 says:

Funny! If that DID happen, though, it wouldn't be much to have Cortana contact HQ to send a pelican over to lift you over. Assuming they're not far away.

13 | Ripper 714 says:

Nice one.... XD


14 | Mr. Elite... says:

ROFL! Thats funny!....I actually got it ^_______^

15 | antiherosk8er says:


16 | Ace says:

LOL! great artwork

17 | Church says:

Fool! You do NOT blow up the bridge to New Mombasa! Now what?

Jack a banshee, grab the scarab gun, and blow up the rest of the bridge for good measure?

18 | AVP says:

LOL! thats great

19 | Etoli says:

Ha-hah! Good one. Yeah, that's what my brother would do if Halo 2 did have a fully destructable environment. Heh... everything blown up. . .

20 | Halo Fan...natic says:

ROTFLMAO!!! That is so true! If Bungie had made everything destructible - Hah! Nobody would've gotten past Metropolis.

21 | Dirge says:

lmao! hilarious!!!!

22 | ansomble28 says:


23 | KloHunt3r says:

*Chuckles* I have always wondered why Bungie hadn't do that.

24 | Necromas says:

Funny thing is he CAN'T swim.

25 | Jammerfer says:

WooT! Awesome. Made me smile...
Necromas has said it, two inches in the water and he drowns... like me!

26 | Somebody says:

Awesome, Nuf' said

27 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Not bad at all. Did you know that the Metropolis level has the most destruction in the game (vehicles, tolls, signs, etc.)

28 | Mr.Grunt says:

Real cool indeed, however, you CAN destroy Halo. Hope the Arbiter shows up in next strip.

29 | Xerro says:

Lol heh awesome. Though he could just steal one of the banshees that come along, that's what i do

30 | n00b says:


31 | steel_viper says:

Case in point: Red Faction 1 and 2

32 | HaloHunter says:

Wow Awesome lol i get it ^__^

33 | Slimby says:

It's always funny when people say "w00t first post!" and its actually the second post... It's not that big a thing. Excellent comic though, Very nicely done.

34 | Yayap and Zuka says:

neato mosquito!! (coo)

35 | Rival says:

omg that was not right! :)

36 | Falcon says:

Now that's funny! Lol!
I think that the best option would be to call in a Pelican right about now...:)

Speaking of which, Halo Babies comics could use a Pelican.

Gruntsbane, some of the people here are urging you to make a comic about the Arbiter, so here's my advice (with respect to mrsmiley as