A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | steve says:


2 | Araqiel says:

2nd nice i liked it

3 | jorge says:

so true.....

4 | redhotlog says:

haha, nice

5 | yo says:

Not very funny but Very very true

6 | Mr. Elite says:

LOL! So true... XD!

7 | guiltysparkzz says:

7th! ROFLMAO!!

Hehhe, good idea. Funn-ay

8 | Michael says:

How do you decrease the loading times with that strange glitch?

9 | PJ says:

Brilliant! There is coffee squirting out of my nose.

10 | nick says:

i liked it

11 | Kynitekia says:

Heh, so true.

12 | MechaRaum says:

Yup nice! Very true

13 | Spartan-287 says:

Finally, I've been waiting for someone to point that out. Nice strip gruntsbane.

14 | Lord Bob says:

hahahaahahahah oh how glorious hahahahahahahaha thats funny hahahhahahahha my life is a nightmare

15 | Necromas says:

It's pretty simple, instead of making big loading times it essentially loads while your playing, so for the first millisecond of a cutscene it is still loading, so not all the bump maps are there.

16 | Falcon says:


It's really annoying and creepy when that happens...

It ruins the good looks of the game! :(

Funny. Keep them coming, Gruntsbane! :)

17 | Halo-Master says:

I didn't get it, sorry. Oh, now I get it! Very funny LOL ;)

18 | pmzukan says:

hehe good one!

19 | Xerro says:

Out of everything that was the only thing i could find that was at fault in Halo 2 everything else perfect. Very funny strip BTW.

20 | Sparkie says:

OMFG FUNNY!!!! hehehehehe...

21 | Gruntsbane says:

The idea wasn't all that original but at least the execution was ;)

22 | Spartan-261 says:


23 | Twojaw says:

Ahahaha! BRILLIANCE. I call that the Master Chief-Bathing-Suit effect.

Especially how. In the second level cutscene. He looks like he's in scuba gear.

24 | Dirge says:

that is so true