A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Gruntsbane says:

Why you gotta be like that, Sarge. Why?

2 | mrsmiley says:

Nothing like jacking the first and second comment slots from our loyal members!

3 | ToyMachin3 says:

You go sarge!

w00t! First member post!

4 | MC_Elite says:

Go on Sarge! Ya big pimp.

5 | G0N says:

I like it a lot. Sarge keeps it cool

6 | Mr. Elite says:

ROFL!!!! Pink Buttsock...XD!

7 | The wonderful me! says:

That's cute:P

8 | blaz says:

hey.. at least this time i get in top ten lol...

nice strip, nice joke GB

9 | haloelite says:

Lol nice one

10 | Mc7777777 says:

In halo 2, if you give a lady marine a rocket launcher, she will say "oh, thats so sweet!"

11 | Lord_Halo99 says:

thats cool Gruntsbane Sarge=BIG PIMPIN!!

12 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

ah, don't worry chief. if you needed a girl you would have had one by now! besides, your already a target for the ladies, heh heh...

13 | ansomble28 says:

Cleverly executed my witty Halo minions. Yet, I have one question, What the hell is a buttsock?!? I KNOW I READ THE OLD COMIC! I'm STILL confused! Help me, Dammit!

14 | The Arbiter says:

lol. Clever use of quoting da game. I wonder when you'll be doing strips with the Brutes, Drones or Prophets...

15 | Zaburos says:

One word describes this strip...Perfect...^-^...Seriously it is just perfect!

16 | Spartan-6193 says:

Ansomble28, I think a buttstock is what's used to carry ammo, nades, etc. In the older buttstock comic they made a joke out of "butt" being in the word. ;)

17 | The Grutnanator says:

Hahahaha Pink Buttsock...thats great..... keep it up Gruntsbane......we love you

:x:x:x:x{:::::The Gruntanator:::::::>>

18 | sparkie says:

HAHA I knew it! I figured it was a spoof of the word buttstock. Hehehe nice comic. Real marines wear pink...lol. Either that or kilts ^_^ I guess I'm not a real marine...o.O

19 | Halo-Master says:

I just love this comic. Sgt. Johnson sure is a ladys man, despite he has a wife...

20 | Falcon says:

Wow, Gruntsbane! This is the first time you've done a comic that involves a female marine!

Is there something going on that we should know about? ;)

Keep these awesome comics coming, Gruntsbane! maybe you should consider doing a strip about a brute, prophet, or drone!

I can think of a good comic involving the Brute. Make a joke that involves a brute making that funny growl, "Grraaa! rarararararara!" Just a suggestion. :)

21 | Dirge says:

lmao! great comic!

22 | Halo Babies fan says:

That is so funny, but wrong.:)

23 | xenomorph64 says:

how true, how true. thats funny, i fell out of my chair.

24 | Xerro says:

Heh, some people are just smooth with the ladies... Hmm i wonder if the sarge could start lending out tips?

25 | Etoli says:

This one is just gold. It had me laughing, GB, I love it! Pink buttsock. . . lucky girl.

26 | Ryley217 says:

LMAO that is awe-some a pink one eh, finally the female marine makes her apperance. Sarge is one smooth guy!

27 | Loknar64 says:

Lol! That's great. ;)

28 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Shweet, Sarge has always been known for a ladies' man (The Buttsock joke never gets old.) Hope the next one involves the drones. Yoshi!!

29 | JustAnotherHalofan says:

lol that one was funny, sorta sick, but funny

30 | Hellfirefanatic says:

LOL! Go Sarge!

31 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

ladies like armor plating...trust me I know

32 | Tryan Shootamee says:

haha...the color pick should be removed from this earth. you know not all girls like pink...I HATE PINK! sterotyipical...but it made me laugh....hahaha

33 | One-Chief-Army says:


chief the sarge is a ma