A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | goodtimes says:


2 | The 2nd Arbiter says:

Good one.

3 | Gruntsbane says:

If you don't know who some of the characters are, go to www.bungie.net and click on games for more information.

Then play them.

4 | narcogen says:

Hey, why no Tick?

Good one, though :) Always wondered about the fascination with exploding enemies... oh, and zombies...

5 | Zaburos says:

Funny....hey don't forget the fact they always want to hug you, then they trip on something, realize they can't get up and blow up! Hey, maybe that should be in one of the strips....but I may put that on one of mine...whatever...

6 | Snarf Da Grunt says:

Oh how true. But why do all the zombies snarl now?

7 | Lanik722 says:

oh snap! take that bungie!

8 | A Halo Fan...natic says:

HA! That was great! Keep it up. This was the highlight of my day.

9 | Shamed Commander says:

Your cartoons kick ass. Keep up the kickass work.

10 | Dead Commander. says:

I love the cartoons. they make me laugh everytime :P keep it up u guys can do it all night long *Wink wink*
~Dead Commander / Shamed Commander's friend!


11 | Djof says:

What about assimilated bobs!?
You could argue about those suicidal dwarves I guess. ;)

12 | stna n smim says:

I didn't get that one.

13 | AnotherHaloFan says:

great comic strips u guys! ;)

14 | Mista_B says:

Frog blast the vent... um... heh, ooh, shiney.

15 | Falcon says:

Hmmmm...I don't quite get it...
(raises eyebrow).

Anyway, great artwork. Keep it up!

I don't like zombies, which is the same reason that I hate the flood.

16 | TeH UbEr FeMaLe ArBiTeR says:

I dont quite get it....But anyway good work! ^.^
YAY 16th POST!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!

17 | Hellfirefanatic says:

lol Great comic! How very amusing! XD

18 | Michael Archer says:

Good. Very Good.

19 | particle avenger says:

exploding characters huh... no wonder bungie is going down the drain. good comic though.. but needs more apple...

20 | my buttcheek says:

I liked it

21 | sparkie says:

LOL hehehehe...funny!

22 | Grishy says:

What about the suicidal Gnomes Of Halo?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?