A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


90 comments so far | leave your own

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1 | Gholsbane says:

Oh baby, oh baby. Shiver, you blow my mind. I want you, and I want you now. Unf.

2 | Devil D says:

Sweet jezus on a pogo stick I luve those babes!!
Xpect the ugly 1
Woot 2con post
corny looks sexy :))

3 | ayla nectaris says:

wow, you've outdone yourself, cortana is a babe...

4 | MC7777777 says:

cortana doesn't look that hot...

5 | iceravenVI says:

WHOO 5th post! Man cortana is HOT! not really babyish any more... that oni chick is not bad either

6 | COL Rock says:

just want to say thanks for booting me and nice comik.. i like Medusa ;)

7 | The Arbiter says:

Nice... I like. Can't think of what the next one'll be like though.

8 | ansomble28 says:

Hmm... Nice artwork as usual but not very humorous. The punchline just sounded very used and recycled as well as the concept. Nothing like a little constructive criticism! Well, keep at it!

9 | blaz says:

wheres Marathon's? bleh... maybe a computer terminal representing Leela at least =/

10 | Vector says:

*W00T NUMBA 10*
[DROOL] That's awesome! [/DROOL]
Good comic GB! Can't wait for nexts week comic!

11 | Halo-Master says:

Too bad that from Bungie's games I've only played Halo and Halo 2

But the strip is still funny, but Cortana looks ugly compared to what she looks like in a normal HB-comic.

12 | Kai_chan says:

WOOOOWWW!! cortana is so hot!!

13 | Humbaba says:

Whoa, how old are you guys? Yeah, they're good looking, I suppose, but they are just drawings after all. Funny though.

14 | Xeroh says:

Damn, you kids need to get laid, FAST! Funny strip.

15 | Xerro says:

...that's looks pretty cool but i swear something looks slightly odd about cortana's expression i think it might be the left eye i'm not sure but i swear something just looks slightly off about it.

16 | Sparkie says:

*woks all of the guys like ninepins* Pervs! ^_^ And I agree with Xerro, LOL!

You should do a strip about hot GUYS cuz MC has got it goin' ON! *drools*

17 | Falcon says:

Ooohhh...One of the best comics ever!

Oni was the only Anime-style game Bungie ever made. I hope that after Halo 3 is made, Bungie will make another ANIME-style game! Anyway, these Bungie Babes Rock!

Yes, Cortana is a hot babe!

Keep these awesome comics coming, Gruntsbane! :)

18 | Kynitekia says:

heh, thats what I call high quality entertainment!

Kynitekia (RgB)

19 | Takky says:

I had Oni once... I liked it...

Then 2 days later, my dad traded it in. =O

I'll never forget that horrible day. Ever.

Actually, I have, but uhm... yeah. w00t for teh kick butt female characters! >:3

20 | Lord_Halo99 says:

SWEEEEEEEEETT!! Gruntsbane u have outdone yourself. *DROOLS*

21 | Fartinurmouth says:

yes. lets drool over cartoon characters..... that are from a game no less... that'll get you the ladies. alot of you need to get out more often

22 | evilguineapig says:

Man, thats kinda gross. I thought the fox in the back was the best.......JK. Really though, Joel, you did do a pretty nice job. How long does it take you to draw these?!?!

23 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Impressive Indeed, Konoko & Cortana have been some of my Favorite Female Characters (Just behind Princess Peach). Just gotta say, Bungie knows best... YOSHI!

24 | dR d3ath 666 says:

hey guys dont u think it would be really awesome if they allowed you to be grunts in halo 2... i mean for xbox live... yeah it think that would be awesome.
me and some of my friends thought it would be really neat if u could use any charcater and any gun from halo 1 and halo 2! hit me back if u would like to discuss.

25 | Ryley217 says:

LMFAO that is so very true!!!!! nice job =^.^=

26 | RuntyLime on Xbox live says:

ALRIIIIIIGHT! nice comic gruntsbane, I Only know who cortana is but nice comic!
P.S Why is Cortana yawning?

27 | Gruntsbane says:

She's bored.

28 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

WOOT!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!! WOot!! woot!! woot!! woot!! woo.......wate....the middle one is....... (BLEEEEEEAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!).....oh God.....i vomitted....uuuugghhh............

29 | u guys are sick says:

really u people.....its a drawing.......sad really....

30 | Morpheus says:

WOAH!!! WOAH! No! No, man, no. no. never. None of us is hittin' NONE OF THAT.


31 | LB says:

Hmm...that "thing" in the middle doesn't quite seem to be my type... :p

32 | DAVE says:

WELL if cortana was more than just a hologram a certanly hit that

33 | Mista_B says:

Oh baby, that chick is the middle is *so freaking hot*!



34 | Zealot Arbiter says:

Cortana's HOTTER!!!

where's the first and second steps???

35 | A random mad halo fan says:

*drools* so cool and next one?I guess its something about history.Spartans,Marathon blaa blaa....

36 | Deathstinger says:

I...umm..AGHHH!ITS T3H C4P741N 0BV10UZ!
Someone get the shotgun! Its the 3rd one this week!
(man runs by, has logo "Captain Obvious Exterminators")

37 | ToY3 says:

lol that was awesome, good job!

38 | Mak_elite says:

i dont no the joke

39 | Young MC says:

Doesn't the new Halo 2 version of Cortona seem so much hotter than the old one?

40 | nutty professor says:

yes,oh yes!

41 | Hellfirefanatic says:

Lol, ain't that the truth... *rolls eyes* Boys will be boys.

42 | Energy Sword Samurai says:

in reply to Xeroh's first comment, I wish i could, man. I wish i could.
.......woot.... 42nd post-......aww, why does it even matter? Im taking sexual pleasure from a comic. Thats pathetic.

43 | evilguineapig says:

man, gruntsbane, you should take out chicks from the site alltogther. These kids are getting turned on by a video game character. DO YOU KIDS REALLY HAVE A LIFE!!!!!! GO OUTSIDE!!!!!! READ A BOOK!!!!!! GET A GIRLFRIEND!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! Jesus, and I thought it would stop at the newyork girl. Gruntsbane has some mad drawing skills, so use them in the way the site intended.

44 | DAVE says:

video game or not. A hot chick is a hot chick.

45 | Twojaw says:

..Uh. Cortana looks kind of weird, aand.. I didn't really get the whole thing. xD! Which may be primarily because I'm not a dude? But whatever! o.o

Yes. You people. Getting turned on by a comic? You're retarded. :) And sad. *stares at dragon picture* OMG. O_O; DRAGON! I got it! I got it! MINE. *hiss runsintoawallomgg.*

46 | A not so random halo fan says:

No,those aren't putting me on.
Sheesh!*drools*cortana's so H"/&%% sheesh!!

47 | Flying monk! says:

I noticed that cortana would actually look OK if she didnt have such a big head

48 | xenomorph64 says:

I would definitly hit cortana if she was not a hologram, in fact this is the best halobabies comic EVER. Oh man, i want dat......

49 | arby says:

i like the way you did cortana
LMAO i like the demon!

50 | YARGH! says:

OMGosh wen playin halo2 wen u see Cortana an put ure binoculares on herr fett and slowly move up u fell less of a man den usual

51 | gruntsbane says:

If I had a make-sense wand and anything it touched would magically make sense, I would break it over your head.

52 | DancesWithSoda says:

Haha, nice one.

53 | Spartan-6193 says:

Cortana looks kinda ugly in this one, but that Oni chick...

0_0 SHE'S HOT! ^_^

54 | Tryan Shootamee says:


55 | donut says:

cortana...need to get me some of that!

56 | donut says:

cortana...need to get me some of that!

57 | LegendaryThunder says:

Some times I wonder if MC has a thing for cortana, but then again I could be nuts.

Awesome comic.

58 | Perkele says:


59 | Fred-104 says:

well that was almsot good sept the sight of what ever the hell that was in the back

60 | Isna Nosolee says:

That was so funny just an excuse to draw hot chicks that was hilarious!

61 | LegendaryThunder says:

Pardon my second post, but maybe there should be a post to see if cortana is really that hot.

62 | evilguineapig says:

wow, YARGH!, are you really that reta- I mean "woow, arr yu reelly daat retradred?"

63 | evilguineapig says:

GRUNTSBANE!!! ATTENTION!!!!! Hey, is there a way I can send in some of my stuff. My e-mail account is down. Hit me up w/ a message on bungie.net. I'm mrbacon90210. ********************************-To get your attention.

64 | king of games says:

Why was Cortana yawning? Is there something going on between Master Chief and Cortana?

65 | jman94 says:

Wow! I love these Halo Babies comics! I've seen all 76 comics, and read all the comments. And whatever happened to Yapyap and Zuka?

66 | bumm187 says:

mak elite sho don't get allright yep...but cortona ...might name my girl that ... but only me ten me worry about ten years from now

67 | Snarf Da Badd-ass Grunt says:

Cortana...ooooooooooo. I'm cetting my own Beta chip and reactive crystal layer installed in my pants.

68 | Coxer01 says:

Cortana is sooooooooooo much hotter than the oni babe, and smarter.

But there all computer animations so Im not gonna geek about drawings of fake women, but in the end, coratana is MUCH hotter.

69 | igili says:

Cool, but Cortana is not very strong.

70 | eliteghost01 says:

I think that they should change the "18-24" part in the text box to "12-40"

oh and some of the things you people post about cortana are really things you don't have to tell the world because they're REALLY FREAKIN DISGUSTING *shivers and takes a gulp of tang*

71 | leibowitz says:

hehe... shiver.... is it possible to save the deceiver from her self destruct at death? and personally i like durandul and tycho alot more than cortana... durandul is just awesome... and tycho is just insane

72 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Well uh... Hey behbeh... :D

73 | subzero says:

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh a bad lookin lady

74 | kermit says:

U SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

75 | rolo zantamee says:

you nerds do realize that your saying if a computer animated/drawn chick is hot or not right?

76 | bashama says:

if mc had a thing for cortona it would only last about 7 years because of the fact that cortona is a super ai and all super ai's die in about 7 years due to overload of memory. lol

77 | sgt dan says:

is that medusa... oh no,bah!
(turn into stone)

78 | Ruiner87 says:

That's so f***in true.

79 | spike hurts says:

that's the awesomenest!

80 | Sheikurl says:

what the hell be point in this, i no understand,someone please explain this to me

81 | RvB iPud says:

Immature bastards- life isn't all about the babes, geez. I mean, these video games won't play themselves!!

82 | Sheikurl says:

ur strange, cortona dusnt hav tits and medusa dusnt appear to hav any pupils for sum reason

83 | xxctlxx says:

weird..... i cant find my two comments here LOL!

84 | Shinigami says:

Cortana's expression is...off. It's like she's bored/yawning.

85 | jedicam10 says:

it was funny :/

86 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

Cortona is HOT even when sleepy...gotta go!

87 | Masterchief evil says:


88 | bungie says:

Holy chiken balls that is one ugly woman monster im sick i need a nerse no a female nerse./docter

89 | Oto Zamamee says:

All I can say about Cortana is: Bow Chicka Bow Wow!

90 | Gruntacular says:

cortanas face is a little akward but shes still a lil hot

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