A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | pinterhoola says:

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA its so funny ... i think... is the story that they are playing halo? and then there is too much spam and cortana gets mad so she boots the tv? after thinking about it like that... its not so funny.. =( is that what the comic is really saying? can someone explain it to me. im a newby to this site and i really like the comics.. i think.. sometimes i dont really get it but the art is cool. and why did sarge bring his new girlfriend to play halo with sarges friends? she must be a real tomboy... or sarge must be out of money to take her to a nice restaurant... is that part of the joke? some one explain!!! =( im sad.

2 | Spartan311 says:

Kool Comic, don't get it too much though. 1st post! w000t!

3 | mista_b says:

Cortana are win!

4 | mrsmiley says:

Wow. That's the funniest first comment ever. Have you even played Halo 2? Ha, and I love when people say they get first post and they don't. Sucka!

5 | Uberninja says:

Wow... it reminds me of the chat room!

6 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

WOW......Cortana is PISSED.......I'm guessing it's do to the fact that she's doing some of the processing for them and it just became an overload.....if that's the case, STOP USING CORTANA AS A NETWORK HUB!!!!!!! great strip BTW.....

7 | The Marine says:

7th post yeah that guy can get really anoying btw the chick so owned

8 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

yeah, those voices are ANNOYING. me and my friend were commiting suicide, and i got a headache from that damned narrarator! lol

9 | Albert Wesker says:


10 | Keyes says:

lol, that can get really annoying. I can immitate it really well, so it's fun to annoy my friends with. "Gained the lead", "Lost the lead", "game over"

11 | Jaxx says:

lol, agreed. Listening to that voice when my bro' plays for hours at a time drives me NUTS.

12 | Dirge says:

lmao, that was great XD

13 | DarkAcidSpike says:

LOL, that's so true. I never really pay attention to it, but it drives my friend up the wall..

14 | Mintz08 says:

If you play four-person-split-screen, as soon as someone gets the first kill, the announcer will say "Gained the Lead", and then "Lost the Lead" for the other three people on the Xbox. So just think about all the times you gain/lose/tie the lead(er), and mutliply that times 4.

15 | PlasmaFire says:

I think this comic was inspired in part by the chatroom? Heh...Cortana the Bot kicks us like she doesn't care when it comes to spam and CAPS.

16 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

hahahaha! good one...once again...

17 | Tryan Shootamee says:

Halo 2 rocks...All you Halo-ists out there say: OORAH!!!!!

18 | Grizzled-Ancient says:

someone's an overthinker...*cough*pinterhoola

19 | Isna Nosolee says:

hahaha! thats as funny as well..i dont know

20 | sparkie says:

hehehehe Cortana is so mad!! That one blonde marine looks like he's about to throw up for some reason.

21 | Kai_chan says:

it's funny when the announcer keeps doing that ^_^ OORAH!!!

22 | shorty says:

at first cortana's leg kinda looked like a scythe. So i was thinking what the hell happened to cortanas arm? Now i can clearly see that she kicked the tv.

23 | sgt dan says:

why is cortana mad? is she saying it and couldnt keep up or was it the announcer who drove her crazy?