A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Ludjia says:

Ha ha ha. uhm, I mean lol.
No seiously, that look in her eyes the second last frame there is soo entertaining.

2 | Mr. Elite says:

w00t second post

lol..Wuv the comic ^-^ I wish glitching was back ;___;

3 | Woot! says:

Woot! That was funny! 3 post!

4 | Mr Kippling says:

'This end away from face' classic.

great comic strip.

5 | master mac 07 says:

this comic is the best comic that i have ever seen and you guys outdone yourself with this strip.


6 | jacksdeformity says:

just so you guys know, they didnt fix the sword glitch, you can still do it but its alot harder! However Bungie did fix the warthog sword glitch, but you can still sword lunge glitch...

7 | brute says:

actualy, sword cancelling isn't a glitch, bungie meant to let you cancel it

8 | mplacki says:

Poor, poor MC... all that and he doesn't even get a thank you.

Great comic, guys!

9 | krazyKev4395 says:

LOL that kicks ass it's too bad they got rid of that in the update
lucky no.7!!

10 | LegendaryThunder says:

All this time and MC still can't get with the ladies like sgt. Johnson.

11 | Keyes says:

Tht's becuase Johnson knows what the Ladies like.

That was great. That expression killed me. Great job guys. 11th post. W00T!

12 | shorty says:

Nooooooo! the buttsock is dead! poor poor thing, never had a chance...

13 | Falcon says:

The Buttsock is destroyed! Awww...

Lol! The first comic window is like a 1940's comic. Great comic, Gruntsbane and mrsmiley! Keep these comics coming!

Sword cancelling?? I really don't get it. What is sword cancelling anyway?

14 | Sparkie says:

Sword cancelling is when you press and hold the X button when you pull the lunge trigger, thus cancelling the damage you'd normally do with a lunge. It's a great way to scare your buddies who don't know about it.

LOL That comic cracked me up. I want a buttsock...XD

15 | Zareus says:

lol nice comic once again =D

16 | me says:

was masterchief flying a....ummmm......sumthing to do with swordflying?

17 | Dirge says:

hahaha, that's fun to do :3

18 | lysergic says:

lmao, that was so fun =(

19 | evilguineapig says:

nice....that is one of the greatest comics i've seen in a long time!

20 | Loknar64 says:

I absolutly love the first and fourth panels! I think this comic might be my fav. :)

21 | nutty professor says:

I love it so much also, to bad Bungie
had to fix the swordflying.

22 | Morpheus says:

I guess I'm supposed to have the game to know about it cause I STILL DON'T HAVE IT!!!! (sigh) I guess I'll force a laugh. Good look in 2nd frame. So hot.

23 | unelite elite says:

"this end away from face" on the rocket launcher...FUNNY! lol goodwork.

24 | Runtylime says:

Ha,HA! no buttsock anymore! But really I'd to see sarge do that......

25 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Well the Master Chief is already a genetically-enhanced super soldier so why not give him the ability to fly (I discovered this myself; In Gravemind I was trying to lunge a Ranger Elite, but turns out I missed & flew to the top of High Charity [Thankfully, I landed safely on one of the rafters on top of the map {That was until I decided to commit suicide, of course}]). Speaking of Doom, play Doom 3 today, a good cure to the hiccups (You'll have a fine time in Hell)...YOSHI!

26 | ansomble28 says:

LMAO, that was funny... Ahhh, It almost sounded like those cheesy oldy time superhero movies. Which made me laugh even harder! LOL. NJ

27 | mooching sack of death says:

poor, poor chief....

28 | Ryley217 says:

LMAO, i guess the Chief should be a little more careful next time;) nice comic!!

29 | Hellfirefanatic says:

LOL! Funny funny stuff!

30 | Halokid23 says:

lmao. I can't imagine Sarge actually saying that (even though it'd be hilarious!)

31 | Zealot Arbiter says:

swording is even funner now! cause its harder to find a point. lunging is fun as flying, just how far you go. got to the top of lockout today(friday)

is there something funny to it? i don't really get it.

32 | Sparten Haze says:

Wow,that's great,2 thumbs up!

33 | MakoChief says:

i miss being able to do that on Halo2,but nice strip

34 | Spartan058-HaloGeeks says:

HAAAAAAAAAHHAAAAAAA! that is by FAR, the funniest one i have ever read! OMG I FELL OUT OF ME CHAIR! CLASSIC! oh my gawd! ahahhahahah! nice job! ha classic frame of "MY Baby!" in movies if you know what i'm talking bout...

35 | Avatar of Fate says:

I loved to do that to fly across the maps. Hillarious

36 | Tryan Shootamee says:

oh...hahaha funniest! Spartan058-HaloGeeky, you mean by in every super hero movie there's always someone lady who shouts "my baby!" and then the hero rescues it?

37 | Grizzled Ancient says:

You know, in the end chief doesn't even get the girl...he doesn't need her...

38 | mrsmiley says:

We actually were originally gonna use a baby in the gag... but it didn't really... work out.

39 | Jaxx says:

Great job! Certainly got me laughin'. :)

40 | gruntsbane says:

close, but it was an even more gruesome accident.

41 | RvB iPud says:

Note to self: kill bungie

42 | hb inSide says:

i caught a glimpse of the initial sketches for this weeks comic. it was way more funny that this censored one. lets just say theres so much ***** you'd **** your pants.

43 | Mad Master Chief says:

49th post, woot! Great comic!! I noticed a bit of innuendo there, though, " At least Sargeant Johnson knows how to handle his sword"!!!! Hmmm, Gruntsbane?!

44 | haloisthefrigginbestthingeverandsoishalo2 says:

50th post w00t!

Actaully I think the baby would have made it worse, imagine sarge screaming about a baby and masterchief saving it, there nothing WRONG with that it jusy doesnt "fit" with masterchief and the rest of the halo crew to do stuff like that. Plus cutting the buttsock is way funnier.

Yeah EGM (electronic Gaming monthly) covered a thing about that glitch, Bungie says there not going to get rifd of it but they are planing to get rid of other glitches which are much more annoying.

45 | xenomorph64 says:

you guys have really out done yourselfs, and poor cheif. wait- if you think about it, cheif has NEVER handled his sword. haha

46 | Yayap and Zuka says:


47 | Omaza says:

I thought falling damage was disabled?

48 | Armyofone says:

thats a burn! I like how they portray master cheif.

49 | random halo fan says:

haha lol soooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great comic Gruntsbane! this had me laughing outa my chair.literily!

50 | Zquad says:

lol nice comic ive seen do that before

51 | Master Chief says:

ya ya im cool o you want swordflying back *pops knuckles and grabs energy sword out * ok your wish is my command

52 | Racer Sangheili says:

that is soo funny!!!!

53 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

HA HA HA!!!! thats great!!! oh jeese..... that made my day...... i also love what it sais on the SPNKr......very well done, G-Bane....

54 | Cortana says:

So that's what the Chief was doing when he was abandonned me on High Charity

55 | Light says:

AW! They took away SPNKR for another funny comment, well, at least it was funny......Great strip this time. Keep it up! ^-^

56 | Lord_Halo99 says:

GAH!! QUADRUPLE POST!! very funny GB
took me awhile to get it though

57 | Raptor 27 says:

This is awsome! Just like the old comics like superman or batman lol.

58 | Andarion says:

lol thats tight

59 | steven says:

My Buttsock! very funny!^_^

60 | Dev says:

LMAO. Yay for longer strips. XD!! This one had me laughing so effing hard! Go SuperChief! XDD!!

Stupid Sgt. Johnson can't even wield a plasma sword. u__U; So HA on him.

61 | ha says:

how i can do the sword clitch?
Anyway, great comic.

62 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

its really easy! just get a sword, and wait for someone to stop at a ledge. you just jump and slash, and you literally fly up... i always thought it was hilarious and cheap. great comic!

63 | kinggun says:

brilliant as usual
still waiting for the jackels to play tennis with the plasma grenade and the shields for rackets.

64 | Snarf da Baddass Grunt says:

"That did NOT go as I had Planned."

65 | Cheesemaster64 says:

Hey MrSmiley,
I am going to eat your babies....
your Halo babies

66 | Grunt_Master says:

I dunno, is it just me or did that last part have some sort of sexual sublimminal message: "At least sarge knows how to handle his sword..." But good comic anyhow. Has awsome class and style! Keep up the good work!

67 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

All I can say is thats sucks for him... elites could have done better.

68 | yaboo says:

sux! booooooooo0ooo!~

69 | Tryan Shootamee says:

you're just sayin that cause you want attention, anti-Haloist

70 | anti anti haloist or pro at halo! says:

nice comic! funny as hell is hot!

71 | keith says:

i think it didnt make sense at all

72 | Chummster says:

Hey... he used the sword cancel. You know when you lock onto a person with a sword and press R and X at the same time. I feel sorry for the woman and her pink buttsock...wait.. HOLY CRAP! SHE HAS A PONYTAIL! Didn't see THAT there before...

73 | Ruiner87 says:

Heh,heh that's a good one sword flying to the rescu....Oh wait it's gone now.(CRAP!) ;)

74 | death angle says:

funny and crazy but when did masterchief have a big head and when could he fly

75 | Tryan Shootamee says:

He isn't flying, have you ever lundged with a sword? you kinda fly when you miss your target. And the funny thing is that we want to see chief doin stuff he wouldn't normally do...like play halo...that's the whole point! good job halo geeks! WEEEEEE

76 | assasintheswift says:

lol i hate how they got rid of the glitches1!!!!!

77 | rat man says:

haha.."keep this side away from face"...nice

78 | Mikee says:

ooh very nice! :)

79 | Dork Force One says:

Sweet...thats awsome!

80 | Daniel ko says:

what the hell are you talking about idito IT'S DARN GREAT

81 | Energy Sword Samurai says:

THAT SUCKS!!!!! i didnt even know there was an update. *fruzzle fruzzle xbox live...*

82 | Kynitekia (RgB) says:

ROFL! That is great lol! gotta love doin that on Live. hehe

83 | drunkmendoza says:

second to last frame "love at first sight"

84 | billy says:

it was lol yup it rocked

85 | golden jackal says:

lol it was awsome just one question why dus she hate it when they play the x-box you should have one that shes playing it

86 | Somebody says:

Hm... That por pink Buttsock had a history... and that marine's gonna get a slap on MC (ya know, sarge gave her da buttsock)

87 | halo_boi says:

i didnt get the punchline.

88 | The Commander says:

Master Cheif! You murderer!!!!!!!! You killed an innocent buttsock! Gimmie da sword! MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!! * mends buttsock* I no what da ladies like. DA energy sword is my favorite weapon

89 | Lil Demon13 says:

It was better when gliching was still here

90 | dylan says:

these comices are graet but u don't have very meny

91 | halo hell says:

these comices are graet but they don't have very meny

92 | CRAZYKALEB says:


93 | ToS]stikguy. says:

ooo great one!
we need more comix abaout superchief.


94 | Doubl3 H3lix says:


95 | spartan 106 says:

I read some people wanted to see sarge do that so i made a lil comic myself. People who make these comics please dont get mad i copied pics off the strip etc etc and used them. Ok its not letting me put it on so go to www.freewebs.com/UNSCDatabase and thats my site and i'll post it there.

96 | Predator110 says:

haha that was a pretty funny comic...keep them coming!

97 | Link says:

When I read the comics here it doesn't show the entire comic. It cuts off at the bottom and right.

98 | Xerro says:

poor chief cant catch a break

99 | bobo says:

dames evan the 1s in danger r (always) trouble!!!!!!!!!!!

100 | Razor says:

I can't see the whole thing!

101 | w0rmaster says:

i liked how the rocket launcher said on the side "this end away from face" it was also very good and funny

102 | bungie says:

Uhhhhhhhhhhh? does that woman likes sarge so much????????

103 | bungie says:

Never mind what i said on number 103 me was wrong.

104 | Masterchief evil says:


105 | someonebehindyou says:

lol, Oh my "Gawd"

106 | halo hetic says:

LOLOLOLOL it so funny!!! wait.... how did she end up in the air anyway???????????

107 | haloman630 says:

sarge: OMG! you cut the buttsock I gave my wife for the wedding day! I hope you know a good dentist chief!
Chief: ya! I know this guy called gronto nobella and he yelped me as a medical doctor when I *acsadentaly* called Cortana cutypie.

108 | gruntsaresocute101 says:

hahaha i dont get it

109 | SPARTAN-253 says:

Haha he got her buttsock! XD

110 | kraid17 says:

there goes the butsock.....good

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