A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | LegendaryThunder says:

Woot 1st post, 3 am!

2 | gruntyfarterwitbadlanguage says:

hehehe,nice one. (woot 2 post)

3 | LB says:

Star Wars Fanboys...yuck

4 | donut says:

ha ha! Star Wars Episode VII Sarge strikes back, Episode VIII Return of the Chief, Episode IX Attack of the Covie... wheres Jabba the Grunt?

5 | Halokid23 says:

HAHAHAHA. I love the way everyone is making fun of the NOOOOOOOOOO! at the end. It's so funny....

6 | Runtylime says:

FUNNNNNNNNNNNNY! That would suck if someone told me that before the movie! Although it would not be as bad if you went to see the Emporer strikes back and someone said "I can't believe Darth Vader is Luke's father"!

7 | BrodieBruce says:

Wait...There are surprises in that film? I thought we all knew what was going to happen. Apart from when Anakin becomes a sith- I never saw that coming in a million years

8 | Tuanta Quiro Miancay says:

We all did know what would happen...just not exactly how it would unfold. I mean, I sure wouldn't have been expecting that cheesy NOOOOOOOO if my friend hadn't told me about it...bahaha.

9 | Nightwing says:

That was hilarious! Just like the end of Episode 3! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

10 | steveanonymus says:


11 | A random mad halo fan says:


12 | Ross Mills says:

Runtylime: Darth Vader is Luke's Father?


13 | Ganner says:

Geat comic. STAR WARS ROCKS!

14 | Stuntmutt says:

Cameo! w00t!

15 | Zyrra da Phira says:

Tch, who didn't know that?
w00t, 15!
Anyways, heh Darth Vader knoggin don't suit chief...I wonder what Cortana thinks of it...

16 | Fellow says:

Darth Chief
nice one^^
.... and af course: w00t, 16!

17 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

dont quite get it, but i like darthy's expression (so to speak) in the last panel

18 | Rossy says:

Brilliant comic love darthy and his noooo it's like seeing the movie again ^^.

19 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

I'll just laugh and say thats a good comic.

20 | SinisterMonkey says:

HAHAHA The Helmet looks too tight, will he get off? Or will he be stuck with Darth Vader's Helmet for the next two or three strips?

Wait... If he is wearing the helmet, what was Anakin wearing in the end of the movie?
And won't Anakin be mad when he finds out M.C. borrowed his helmet?

21 | SPNKr89 says:

Yay! 21!
Funny stuff man, I actually came down with a fit of the giggles in that part. As for master chief, the helment wouldn't be very stealthy.
*chhhhh cfffffff*

22 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

yeah saw it three times already...hehehe nice strip!

My sister was dressed in full obi-wan costume, and when the storm troopers were there (in costume opening week) they walked up to my sister and me and said
"we need to see some identification please..."

My sister hesitated and waved her hand saying

"You don't need to see any identification..."

The storm trooper said to the other storm troopers surronding us
"Uhh...i guess we don't need to see any identification"

It was sooooo funny, i doubled over laughing (much like i did with this comic) and gave em all a high-5...funny stuff...

and we watched one storm trooper, just waltz into the mens Bathroom...even funnier!

nice comic...i like love starwars...but i'm a Geek when it comes to halo!!!! Now that they're combined...well i can't even describe it...funny stuff you guys got there...keep it up!

23 | Tryan Shootamee says:

hehehe...loved the movie...commando's rock! like in republic commando...and the book republic commandos...cheif could kick a jedi's a$$ any day!
I read the book, revenge of the sith...i was good too...halo's better...saw the movie 2 times...better the second...continue to make funny comics you will...

24 | Falcon says:

Awesome comic, Gruntsbane! The Darth Vader MC rocks! Keep it up!!

25 | Kradshutzen says:

Hahaha..ah....so true

26 | Mink'O'War says:

Ha! I knew what was going to happen in the movie even before the Episode 3 game came out!

I bought Lego Star Wars. IMO, they should have added battlefront-style multi-player in that game...

In fact, the next game should be Lego Starwars: Battlefronts, or, even better, Lego Halo: Battle... um... places!

27 | Darth Loknar64 says:

LOL! GB, you're the greatest! It's like http://darthno.ytmnd.com/ or http://cnnoooooooo.ytmnd.com Nice putting 117 Chief in there. It would have nice to see the marine with a stormtrooper helmet. I think the Jedi where killed to easily though.
Also I must say, what ever happened to the "baby" part of this comic with the diapers on the grunts and the suction cup human weapons and water based covie weapons?

28 | Cdarx says:

Hehehe, star wars.......

29 | Sparkie says:

LMAO! Funny funny funny! GJ, Gruntsbane!

30 | alvin says:

why is MC vader hunched over?

31 | red snow says:

Rofle! i need to see that movie soon...

32 | Edwin says:

kinda reminds me when the second orginal Star Wars came out. My friend and I were standing in line and a group of college kids come out yelling, "I can't believe Darth Vader is Luke's father!"

What a spoiler.

33 | jim says:

so true..

34 | HaloNemesis says:

Yes, sir. Chief is only there for Padme. Now he has no reason to live...

Great work, this is so funny.

35 | hacker888999 says:

Vader,get a new girlfriend

36 | Zareus says:

lol ^^

great comic GB

37 | mplacki says:

Haha, awesome! Just saw the movie the other day, I was wondering how long it would be before we had a Star Wars-inspired comic.

38 | The_Eliminator says:

Heh, I like Stuntmutt in the backgroud.

39 | Snyper7 says:

LOL, great comic!
Maybe, alvin, "vader" is hunched over because of the hours he must have spent waiting in line to get in.

40 | nameless deigner says:

reminds me of this 1 simpsons episode...lol

homer says exactly that : i cant believe darth vader is lukes dad. every1 in the line: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

41 | [RoT]MastaC says:

Wow halo-babies is the least funny of the halo cartoon strips, no offense...the art work is good but not funny in the least bit :/

42 | xenomorph64 says:

ahahaha, that was the funnist part of the movie, watching vader lose his shit. lol

43 | Darth Dun Dun says:

Rofl! nice one.

44 | The Huntress says:

OMG that was hilarious! I love it! Yeah, we all thought that that NOOOOOOOOOO! thing at the end was pretty cheesy.

45 | android210 says:

that touched me in ways i've never been touched before...

46 | Yeah says:

Why is that a spoiler.....they say in the first movie (ep 4) that lukes mom dies.

47 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Way to pull in the Star Warz nerds!

(I would've put spoiler alert AFTER the comix) hehehe

48 | mrsmiley says:

It's a spoiler because it reveals plot from the movie. Believe it or not, not everyone is a Star Wars nerd that knows the plot like the back of their hand!

49 | Isna Nosolee says:

Johnson..i am your father

50 | Lord_Halo99 says:

am i the only one who noticed that the poster in the first frame says EPISODE III: FIGHTIN TIME XD

51 | The Arbitress says:

I had a feeling that Padme was going to die in the movie, but I found it hard to believe when I saw it.

52 | CPU64 says:

Ya know, if that strip had become extremely popular, I could've worn my MC suit to the ep III premier and not have people say "That guy wasn't in S-W!!!"

53 | Serge_THE_GREAT says:

Oh man, that was a good one. I laughed pretty hard, keep up the good work Gruntsbane.

54 | mjolnirguy says:

good, but to the anti starwars flood head, a shotgun blast, crapfully yours, mjolnirguy.

55 | dogbert14 says:

lol, when i heard Vader say "NOOOOOOOOO!" at the end, i started cracking up in the theater. everyone looked at me........

56 | .:CaBoOsE:. says:

i liked it it was funny

57 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

damn.....how sad *cough*....yup....oh look i got a tear in my eye......oh wait thats just from dust.....anyways good comic as usual

58 | puny grunt says:

good one gruntsbane keep em'comin.

this one was the best one i seen in a while.....

59 | Buguba says:

lol, Nice. You know the part when padme says "Anikan, you've been killing younglings!" it was suppose to be all sentimental. I couldn't help but crack up. It kinda ruined it for everyone within 5 feet of me.

60 | Dork Force One says:

Nice Job, once again.

and w00t 59th post!

61 | somebody says:

hilarious i loved it haha later

62 | Darth Cream-Puff says:

Ha-Ha, very funny, keep up the good work.
And when vader went like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I found it to be cheesier than Jar-Jar Binks. And that guy sucked with a capital UCK!

63 | Covenant Emperor says:


Nice job Gruntsbane.

64 | mooching sack of death says:

oohhhohoho that is rich!! and in two different ways...

65 | yo momma says:

Great comic. Sarge and the Marine should have been replaced by clone troopers.

66 | Yeah says:

Yeah but you don't have to be a SW nerd to know something so obvious. well unless your stupid like mrsmiley

67 | okinawa says:

lol, funny

68 | Morpheus says:

W00T! Filthy, Nasty 69th post(snicker).......
Who's Padme?

69 | MassHavok says:

Flippin' awesome. I love the cameo by one one seven.

70 | Ricky says:

I havn't seen the movie but I already knew it had happened

71 | Dr.Evil says:

Great comic XD and
Oohh your evil fanboy Ricky ^^
ending was predictable for the fanboys... (hint: watch ep 4,5,6)

72 | Grizzled Ancient says:

hahaha...very funny

when i saw darthy say "NOOOOOOOOO" i started to laugh cause it was so...well, funny. i don't know why...halo and star wars unite!...halo's better

73 | Dirge says:


74 | Crimm says:

Ah, Star Wars. And Halo. Two of the greatest things in the world. Yeah, it's funny how everyone is making fun of the NOOOO part. VGCats, HaloBabies...

75 | Mak_Attack says:

Ahahah, master Chief was Darth Wader

76 | Da Mastah says:

I totally agree with the "NOOOO!" part. it WAS funny, but it was not supposed to be. How hard can it be for an actor (With at least some expierence) to just say "Nooooo!" in a convincing way? It was kinda disssapointing and cheesy and made it look like comedy instead of tragedy, but what can you expect? Oh well.

Great comic as usaul, really cracked me up!

77 | George says:

lol, here is how:
take a deep breath, make sure the director says action, pretend you like the person that just died and yell NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. there george lucas will be hiring you for his special director'cut director edition edition dvd of sw3. lol

78 | Lethal Injection says:

I actually think that was kind of retarded.

79 | Light says:

Yeah......W00T! That was worth the money I spent to watch it. I mean, the movie was grood, but the whole thing was just to see Darth Vader scream in his deep voise, "NOOOOOOO!!!"

Awesome strip too...

80 | Moose says:

that actually happened to me, except minus the helmet. i was walking in the theater and this fat kid says "i just KNEW that he *spoiler spoiler spoiler*!"

81 | CRAZYKALEB says:


82 | Cipher Spark 777 says:

ooh, that would stink, being told the ending before you got in. I just covered my ears... which I guess the Reclaimer couldn't really easily accomplish.

I have watched these movies, courtesy of 343 GS, and I think it would be amusing to watch C-3P0 and Guilty Spark meet and be like chess buddies or something... their personalities are certainly similar...
or at the very least, the hood ornament 2401 could possibly be a good match...

Oh, I am a genius! (humming)

83 | xxctlxx says:

LOL!!! nice!!! hella funny u got it off the movie (kinda...) :)

84 | Pressure says:

If you can't work out padme dies at the end, you deserve to be disapointed. Sheesh.

85 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

I always loved Star Wars, even the games rock (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was 2003 Game of the Year) I can't view the comic though mainly because my new computer doesn't allows me to open up new windows, so you don't mind to change the viewing format of comics please. Other than that I have recently learned that the Master Chief actually DOES sound like Darth Vader in Japanese (It would suck if the Master Chief WAS Darth Vader because in RotS, almost all of his limbs were CENSORED off & he was CENSORED like hell, but worse of all he CENSORED his own wife, Padme)... I belive I'm starting to rant already so I think I'll play Lego Star Wars today, please reply soon... YOSHI!

86 | darren says:

lmao, awsome comic!

87 | 41 Chief's says:

really...it says that Leia (how ever you spell it)said that her mother died when she was a baby...duh...some spolier. but still i respect the warning. nice comic...*Jedi hand wave* you will make more funny ones...

Actually, mc's voice is played by some guy named Steve Dowens...and he has blond hair and a mustache. special features disc, when they're saying all their lines...you see his mouth say "this place is falling apart" and "I need a weapon"...oh and the guy who does Sarge's voice...is actually white...i laughed.

88 | Spartan-287 says:

I really hope that whoever wrote that long awkard no got fired. Darth Vader should never say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO again, if he does I'm gonna sue George Lucas.

89 | mrsmiley says:

To 41 Chief's:

The guy who does Sarge's voice is NOT white. I have met him on several occasions. He actually looks a lot like sarge in the game!

90 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

you met them? oh yeah. were you on the bonos feature disc mr smiley? Lan fest right?

91 | Tryan Shootamee says:

have you met Steve Dowens mr smiley? that would ruin the whole image of chief.that would suck.

92 | holographicsandwitch says:

i've met the guy that plays sarge and he's white. and the guy that plays chief looks like vin diesel.

93 | 41 Chief's says:

which one is it?! white or black?

94 | Grizzled Ancient says:

Uhhh...probably Mr. Smiley. I don't think the guy who plays chief looks like vin diesel...he has a mustache.

95 | Some Stupid Random Person says:

uhh isn't this supposed to be bout star wars and halo? get back on subject people.

96 | Sad Spoiled Havent seen starwars yet says:

NOOOOOOO PADME DIES?!?!?!?!?!??!?! *Cries*

97 | lucky says:

I think that "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" at the end is now a famouse quote! o_O

98 | Spartan_112 says:

LMAO hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! geeze now i have tears in my eyes lol

99 | porblmo says:

hey go here for cool halo stuff halo.bungie.org.
also i suck at halo.

100 | theburperking! says:


101 | Darksteal says:

Yea, when i saw that in the movie i was like WTF!?

102 | Da Mastah says:

Lucky is probably more right tham he knows, the "Noooooooooooo!" is so corny it will probably go on as a famous quote for a long time.

Is Sarge's Vioce a Black or White? WHO CARES, as long as we get the funny side comments and smacktalk from ol sarge I could not care the least.

103 | spartan 117 says:


104 | Grunt_Master says:

NOOOOOOO.... *Gasp!* ... OOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

105 | dr_t says:

thats some funny crap you got there im a s wars fan and halo rocks but put them together and you got an sweet combo

106 | pimp101/master chife says:

that combo would so kick ass

107 | Noob101 says:

That Was confusing when I didnt see the 3rd one but then it made more sense after i saw it. Fightin' time! 1s a good title for MC's world (which is are fantasied future.)

108 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Well done guys, reminds me of the Simpsons where their showing the Empire Strikes Back, Homer says "I can't believe Darth Vadar is Luke's father" & everyone in line are like "Noooooo". I notice some tidbits such as the poster, One One Se7en Chief, & the grunt in line. I sure hope I don't see Episode VII: Attack of the Covies... I going to play Lego Star Wars as of today... YOSHI!

109 | Death Vomit says:

lol i nvr realized how crappy the orignal lightsaber fights were in 4,5,6 i mean wow they dont even move their legs at all

110 | me again says:

that is about the funniest thing i've ever seen except i want t osee what mister chief would look like with a light saber that would be some funny stuff. i am a big fan of you guys so plz post up one with the saber

111 | cubed_boid says:

Way to run the movie for me, joke

112 | rio says:

W00t! 112, but awesome comic!

113 | Jaxx says:

lol, nice job guys. ^_^

114 | O'Malley says:

Thats awesome dude nice work gratz

115 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

wow Star Wars really gets alot of feedback. Almost too much...good art! I wish I could create art like that. maybe I can. Thanks for the confidence Gruntsbane!!

116 | mitch says:

getting better

117 | kevin says:

ahahahahh ur all nerds...
fuck star wars go trek

118 | mistar owninater says:

lol kevin ur sick. That was a funny comic good job.

119 | bunm187 says:

goin with mistar. sw^^

120 | Ace says:

Funny comic. [and I strangely agree with the Marine chick... it was better then the last two]

121 | fixzero says:


122 | Zealot Arbiter says:


123 | jake says:

I LOVE STARWARS-the funniest part is when he says:NO!!.....THATS INPOSSIBLE!!!!!NOOOOOOOO!!!!hahahahahahahahahahahahah cry baby

124 | ex-arbiter(deceased) says:

Hey,Vader looks like he's been babyfied,guess wont be long till theres a star wars babies

125 | Energy Sword Samurai says:

i meen, im a big time star wars fan and all, and that WAS pretty funny, but wut the crap does that have to do with halo?

126 | mastercheif117 says:

Thats funny yall

127 | chris says:


128 | rog says:


129 | rock n rolla says:

this is dafuel rod bomb (da bomb)

130 | darth chief says:


131 | can't think of a name says:

W00t!!!!131st !!!
i cried :'(

132 | Corey says:

I liked it when Darth vader said noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

133 | vader maker says:

in halo it would be like this.....is Cortana ok?.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

134 | Darth Tater I mean Vader says:


135 | G UNIT 50 CENT $0.50 says:


136 | Cody says:

This comic rocks! It wasnt a spoiler for me, I saw the movie.

137 | AnubisUK says:

Nice one... love it!

138 | sam says:

lucas cant make a serious star wars anymore, the first one was ruined by jar jar, the second one by the yoda fight scene, and the third by the 'noooooo' scene.

139 | Aubs-117 says:

Stacker, I am your father?

ooooh, even better... "Chief, do what must be done, show no mercy!"

140 | Ice wagon117 says:

(I left two comments on one strip. sorry i lost track.) I did that same thing and ruined the movie for some old lady and she made a pruny yet intensly angry face. :&*( it looked like that. lmao. Great Comic!

141 | Blue_Corpral says:


142 | sperry says:

o u guy ar star wars fan u all got 2 get a real life u no

143 | sperry says:

u all dont under stand star wars is old but halo2 and halo are what u need

144 | gold spartan says:

ya its kind of werid that he mixed halo2 and star wars to gether

145 | Predator110 says:

hahahahaha that was great!!!! it serves chief right for all of the naughty things that i made him do...*goes into a flashback of mc killing all his allies* wait did i make him do those things?

146 | VAL says:

hahaha that was funny

147 | Me & My Shotgun Bob says:

I thought it was obvious that Padme died (since Luke was being raised by his aunt and uncle in the film), the "NNNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!" made me laugh too, and I liked this comic.

148 | David says:

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO" lol, this gave me a good laugh

149 | David says:


150 | Masterchief evil says:

hahaha they spoiled it for him!!

151 | bungie says:

Grunts like bungie wars that to cool

152 | bungie says:

Grunts like bungie wars that to cool

153 | Blackhawk says:

I have the episode III dvd on right now

154 | MasterC says:

Thats funny

155 | halo hectic says:

th darth vaderlooks funny
he should be called

156 | Spartanspox says:

thats funny! the NOOOOOOOOO at the end is so frickin cheezy! lol Cheif is a Starr wArs nerd.

157 | bastardgrunt says:

I like ceareal ^_^ darth vader rules. DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

158 | dsgdf says:

fffffffffuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyy! sucks!

159 | Ashley lover says:

He thinks Padm is hot! She is really ugly-(Keira Nightly)

160 | zorbak says:

Tell me about it LOL!!!!!!! NOOB

161 | GRUNTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

yeah a true scene of starwars

162 | Gruntacular says:

lol that movie was ok Lol that comic is so funny

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