A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | mrsmiley says:

If you don't get this strip, be sure to read my write-up about our Humpday Challenge against Bungie!


2 | Zareus says:

lol nice

3 | Gruntsbane says:

I blame Smiley for choosing the gametype. Serves him right to get booted ;)

4 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Well Done indeed, kinda reminds me of Revenge of the Sith where Palpatine orders the clone troopers to kill the jedi knights. I wouldn't think they go that far now would they? Speaking of Star Wars, I found the ultimate Star Wars tribute on the web: The Star Wars Gangsta Rap; You can used this link here to find it:
Its actually about the Original Trilogy, but its really darn funny to me alright. Damn, its real early today, this must be the third post, right? I going to get some sleep tonight... or play Zero Mission all morning... must... decide... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... YOSHI!

5 | MC_Elite says:

LOL! Classic. Another great one from Gruntsbane!

6 | Mista_B says:



7 | Super Robot 7 says:

Seems like what happened to DarkHalo...

8 | Zyrra da Phirra says:

More grunts! Request more grunts!!! Mix a grunt, a piece of cake, two jackals, and a plasma grenade each, a garanteed laugh!

9 | KayJay says:

I laughed so hard.


10 | Hells Sinner says:

Wahaha! Thats great, spoofing StarWars III!

11 | Adams06 says:

Hahaha! Nice comic Gruntsbane, good mix of ROTS and the Humpday Challenge.

12 | the great pie says:

mwahaha, bungie triumphs again! when u cant beat 'em, get a big monkey to do it for you!

13 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

ha ha!!!! (mr. smiley has been dropped from the server.
reason: webmaster has stolen his modem)
thats great!!

14 | obi karoake says:

i should do that someday

15 | Crosso says:

hate this to be true. if they actually did that they'ed get bad reputation of cheating out the way from Halobabies to flawless own them!!
cool strip i liked it.

16 | red snow says:

lol, thats just funny

17 | Durandal says:

Heh. That's obviously why Frankie wasn't playing. He was sitting in the back room, "watching" the game, while making a few... adjustments. Great one, Gruntsbane.

18 | Necromas says:

OMG that was funny!

19 | mooching sack of death says:

hehe. nice.

20 | Tryan Shootamee says:


21 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

wo...this is the first comic which didn't have any "real" halo characters in it (that are actually in the game!)...stick with with the chief...he'll know what to do...

22 | Grizzled-Ancient says:

see? monkeys can't do it either...

23 | Loknar64 says:

Ha! I'm likeing this new trend with Star Wars references! Keep it up!

24 | gruntsbane says:

er...no trend, just coincedence.

25 | nutty professor says:

hahahahahahah! that was so funny.
now we know the truth about the cable. frakie must die!die!DIE!

26 | HaloNemesis says:

26! 26! Look at the look on Frankie's face! That is great!

27 | Runtylime says:

Is this suposed to be about the humpday challenge and how the halobabies team won?
I love the look on Frankie's Face!

28 | InsaneMasterChief says:

Woot!!! Funny comic, and how come you got to steal first post, just as I promised myself I would get it this time. Grrrrr..... Oh, and getting ever closer to #100, aren't we? I'll make my first post debut then...

29 | Lord_Halo99 says:

LOL nice one GB. I'm gonna assume that you really liked Revenge of The Sith.

30 | Sparkie says:

ROTFLMFAO! I knew there had to be something amiss in LA...nice on GB.

*is wearing PINK* ZE END OF ZE VORLD...relax, it's the RvB donut shirt....:D

31 | LegendaryThunder says:


Sometimes I think there is an ape with my router!

32 | Xenon says:

In Revenge of the Sith its Order 66 in here its 77 lol cool

33 | Dork Force One says:

Woot....nice job. i like the order 7-7 like starwars.

34 | Frankie says:


Someone is getting a punching.

35 | RedRaptor says:

Owned, Frankie. Owned.

The Webmaster-for the win.

36 | jman571 says:

ha the webmaster strikes again, it's really cool to know that not only are you an excellent halo fan, but a dedicated Bungie fan as well, perhaps there'll be more Marathon jokes in the future :) Keep up the good work.

37 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Hehehehe... That modem stealer...

38 | Devil D says:

zzzzzzzzzzzzz.............(mae some of the covies)

39 | EXLOSION ED says:

the most hilarious i've ever seen!

cant stop cracking up!

40 | Light says:

Actually, it is the other way around in the books. Halo, if anything, got everything from Star Wars. Deny it if you must but read the New Jedi Order books and you'll see how Bungie most likly got there idea for the Covenant and the Flood....*shudder* the Yuuzhan Vong are just as bad, if not worse than the Flood...

41 | Grunt_Master says:

Haha! You just made my day. :-)

42 | evilguineapig (the real mr.bacon) says:

man this is funny. to bad i couldn't get in the bungie owning fiesta, i'm only a member lol. but oh well i saw the stats and you guys owned w007! damn that webmaster.....

43 | Arbitress#2 says:

This is awsome!

44 | Shady says:

That was great i like the gorillas hat......i want one.......

45 | xenomorph64 says:

beautiful, but how many strips are gonna make fun of star wars?

46 | Gruntsbane says:

Last one.

47 | master_chiefette says:

Watch out there, Gruntsbane. Frankie's gonna hurt you. ^^

48 | 41 Chief's says:

good. I was about to ask when you were gunna end the star wars thing...it can't last too long...

41 Chief's: out.

49 | kinoda says:

one of the best i've seen. probably exactly how it happened!!

50 | Krayt'heili says:

LoL, it is perfectly legitimate stratigy!

51 | Falcon says:

Now that's funny! Keep it up, Gruntsbane!!

Yes, I read what happened during the game, so I know what happened! :(

52 | Serge_THE_GREAT says:

Hah... oh man, that's a pretty funny picture of Frankie. I sure hope that eventually me, and some of the other HaloBabies' Members get to play with Bungie. How did you acquire that silly shot of Frankie?

53 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

NO! comment.

54 | Turok says:

Nice dart SMG. Looks good. But that's not what the SMG really looks like. There shape is different.

55 | Arbitress says:

I dont get it but ooook
Nice one?
I guess.....

56 | Arbitress says:

I dont get it but ooook
Nice one?
I guess.....

57 | Shizuku Spartan 138 says:

well according to superdragonyoshi um no newgrounds got that song after funnyjunk and its a weird al song making FUN of star wars now PROMOTING IT!but anyway good comic gruntsbane.Mr.Smiley is a weird name methinks.

58 | rockstats says:

mr.smiley has a modem with words MODEM written on it. Thats funny. why would a modem have MODEM written in black on it. its a little redundant.... redundancies must will be made... and if you say in choppy, you'll say " mod' em"

59 | Tryan Shootamee says:

Not alot of people are comenting on this one...that's odd.

60 | *human being* says:

is this comic about halo or star wars? anyways i liked the comic with the 'execute order 77' and some random guy was like 'yes my lord...'
mr simley, you need 2 get a shotgun 2 keep those apes out lol

61 | Sheikurl says:

dat ape is de same 1 as the 1 in the master chiefs barber shop

62 | The Ex-arbiter (deceased) says:

i mean killing all the jedi was bad but that is just evil

63 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

very good... what do i mean, it was freakin hilarious!!!

64 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

nicely done!

65 | shorty says:

LoL frankie, we all know you didn't make the call, from what we hear you cant run the computer at all and... Im gonna stop right there.

66 | rog says:

crazzy people

67 | A random mad halo fan says:

For yer info who doesn't know who that gorilla is.It's bungie.net's webmaster.HAHAHAHAHA good one!

68 | hahaha says:

in starwars it was serious,in the comic it was funny

69 | me says:

what the heck was that?

70 | money says:

I need to buy a Halo suit Where can I get one !!!!!!!!!

71 | cccaaassshhh says:

WHY WHOULD I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

72 | big r says:


73 | edman says:

kinda good i can beat u all at halo

74 | Ice WaGoN117 says:

Almost as bad as the BUTTSOCK. I mean what the the hell is the buttsock for. although i did laugh because i wasn't sober. LMAO.P.S. I need a buttsock for...UM...ER...Investigation.P.S.2(NO PUN)Who is the monkey. and this is also a star wars spoilier MRSMILEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

75 | Predator110 says:

well...i didnt really get the joke at all...theres just some comics that can stump ppl i guess.

76 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Thats a better weapon

77 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

Ice wagon, dont be retarded. this isnt a star wars spoiler. its barely a parody of that... lol... and the monkey is Bungie.net's webmaster.

78 | Masterchief evil says:


79 | bungie says:

Hmmmmm? i dont know and i dont get it?

80 | (guest)Micahel says:

Dude nice comics i like them

81 | (guest) says:

Dude nice comics i like them

82 | zorbak says:

I am EBIL because I JUST AM!!!!!!!!

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