A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Zareus says:

lol nice

2 | Gruntsbane says:

I blame Smiley for choosing the gametype. Serves him right to get booted ;)

3 | MC_Elite says:

LOL! Classic. Another great one from Gruntsbane!

4 | Mista_B says:



5 | Super Robot 7 says:

Seems like what happened to DarkHalo...

6 | Zyrra da Phirra says:

More grunts! Request more grunts!!! Mix a grunt, a piece of cake, two jackals, and a plasma grenade each, a garanteed laugh!

7 | KayJay says:

I laughed so hard.


8 | Hells Sinner says:

Wahaha! Thats great, spoofing StarWars III!

9 | Adams06 says:

Hahaha! Nice comic Gruntsbane, good mix of ROTS and the Humpday Challenge.

10 | the great pie says:

mwahaha, bungie triumphs again! when u cant beat 'em, get a big monkey to do it for you!

11 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

ha ha!!!! (mr. smiley has been dropped from the server.
reason: webmaster has stolen his modem)
thats great!!

12 | obi karoake says:

i should do that someday

13 | Crosso says:

hate this to be true. if they actually did that they'ed get bad reputation of cheating out the way from Halobabies to flawless own them!!
cool strip i liked it.

14 | red snow says:

lol, thats just funny

15 | Durandal says:

Heh. That's obviously why Frankie wasn't playing. He was sitting in the back room, "watching" the game, while making a few... adjustments. Great one, Gruntsbane.

16 | Necromas says:

OMG that was funny!

17 | mooching sack of death says:

hehe. nice.

18 | Tryan Shootamee says:


19 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

wo...this is the first comic which didn't have any "real" halo characters in it (that are actually in the game!)...stick with with the chief...he'll know what to do...

20 | Grizzled-Ancient says:

see? monkeys can't do it either...