A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Teecee says:

Hahaha, sweet. Nice job Gruntsbane! w00t First post.

2 | The Arbitress says:

To be, or not to be: that is the question

3 | McHearty says:

I wonder what that could be implying. heh

4 | Super Robot 7 says:

"Duel balls."

5 | xenomorph64 says:

look at them skulls, and 4th post!

6 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Nice work Gruntsbane, you are limited to what you can dual-wield & skulls make a primitive example (You can only have one in a game of Oddball). If you want the true fun of dual-wielding, play Advent Rising; Gideon has two hands, so why not put one gun (Or psychic ability) to each hand? Sounds like fun alright. Say, am I the only who notice the lacking amount of Covenant in these strips? Bring them back for once, they deserve SOME credit. In the meantime, I'm going to play Advent Rising tonight... YOSHI!

7 | Zyrra da Phira says:

Eh heh...I don't think Yoshi got it...good work tho, I see why it only just got past the screening process, but I'll bet those page guards are wetting themselves right now!

8 | Kanman-075 says:

Hahaha! That was funny. Great work Gruntsbane!

9 | Spartan 067 says:

LMAO! I always pondered that idea...

10 | Jammerfer says:

On the list of most disturbing ideas Bungie could have come up with...

11 | Afterjammerfer says:

I don't get it...

12 | Lovable Werewolf says:

LMAO! nice one XD

13 | warchief36 says:

why do people care if they get 1st post or 4th post?

14 | Nth post says:

That was great! Perhaps we could melee with both hands someday? Is it just my imagination, or was that ability shown in some trailer I saw...

what I love is when people say what post they think they're gonna be, and they end up one or two later

15 | Reinsoft says:

the right one hangs lower than the left one!

16 | Maniacxxl 069 says:

Rofl His oddball hasn't dropped

17 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Nice "skulls" by the way... :D

18 | Crosso says:

if only...

we could hold to oddballs at the same time.
still the comic is good. it's up but not completly up.

19 | Grunt_Master says:

........... um.... sure. funny... in a weird way... 8=========D lol.

20 | Insane Master Chief says:

20th post, woot!!! I'm going up, ever closer to 1st post, just in time for the eagerly anticipated (for me anyway) no. 100!!!! Great comic, I just burst out in laughter when I saw it. That comic was woot-worthy!
*ahem* WOOT!!! WOOT!!!! WOOOOOT!!!

21 | PlasmaFire says:

You scare me, Gruntsbane...you really do. XD Keep making more!

22 | alvin says:

what do you get when you have two balls in your hands?

a man's undivided attention

23 | mooching sack of death says:

sometimes i wonder what you do at night...

24 | Ripper 714 says:

I just want to know who thought that up....Gruntsbane...or Smiley...


25 | Evil Fruit says:

haha. great job.

26 | Buguba says:

lol... perversion... lol. Either that, or I missed the meaning of this strip entirly.

27 | LegendaryThunder says:


It took me a second to figure that one out, its not nearly close enough to his crotch though.

One of these skulls is bigger than the other........lol

28 | Master_Chiefafied says:

Omg... That's awesome...lmao! Ah... "duel balls" nice...

29 | Hellfirefanatic says:

LMFAO! Omg... I love this one...

30 | mrpooter says:

A pair of skullocks!!! Very funny:]

31 | Kradshutzen says:


32 | yo momma says:

Imagine if the object of the game was that evry time you killed someone with a melee attack, your "oddballs" got bigger, and the object to win is to reach a certain size? You have entered my sick mind, and there is no escape. Nice comic. I've been waiting for one like this. I agree with superdragonyoshi, BRING BACK THE COVENANT!