A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | rano says:

1st comment

2 | Gruntsbane says:

Good for you.

Seriously I don't know why people do that...

3 | Blue monday says:

3rd post woot funny as heck lol. don't trust game spot ever 12:50am

4 | Torgar says:

My first post here. This is funny stuff.

5 | kyedude says:

lol so funny...5th post woot

6 | Darth Dun Dun says:

ROFL! that was awsome! 6th post woot

7 | donut says:

GameSpot are useless...

Donut: hey dude, when is the UK release for Xenon?
GameSpot Guy: whats Xenon?
Donut: the 360...
GSG: the 360?
Donut: Jeez!?!, the Xbox 2
GSG: umm, i dunno dude.

8 | Amirulzzz says:

i dont get it???

9 | XIthShadow says:

lmao........no one trusts gamespot.......

9th post w00t!w00t!

10 | Zyrra da Phira says:

Er...I'm guessing that not many people like Gamespot guys? *edges away* what if I were one of them? hehe well done guys, MORE COVENANT!!! W00T

11 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Great job guys, the only people you should trust for reservations are the developers of course (Bungie STILL hasn't announced Halo 3, let alone Halo 2's arupt ending). By the way Donut, word has it for the XBOX 360 US release date of November 2005, not too sure about the other countries, but it should make it for the Holiday Season (Dead or Alive 4 & Project Gotham Racing 3, here I come). Well then, I guess I should Destroy All Humans! in the meantime... I meant the game of course, just bring back the covenant for the next strip... YOSHI!

12 | somebody says:

I get it. nice. awesome.

13 | Nightwing says:

THat was great! And yes those Halo 3 Pre-Orders are worthless!

14 | Zawaz says:

seriously, are there really halo 3 pre-orders, man, it comin out in like a year, i cant see pre-orders this early.And those new maps, man, would i love those...

15 | Lovable Werewolf says:

lol, so funny XD

16 | Dork Force One says:

LMAO, thats awsome!

17 | the pebble says:

Excellent. I remember gamespot saying halo 2 came out june 06, I hav e not Idea where they got that from.
(and people say first post because it makes them feel good, beacuse they get noticed by other because in real life they are attention starved and need people to notice them)

18 | Misinformed grunt says:

How true...so, wait, my halo 3 preorder is worthless too?!?!? AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

19 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

um....so far I havent had truoble with Gamespot except for thw fact that sometimes there a little too uptight with grading. still, not as bad as Gamespy taking money from companies and giving better grades, but the only thing I'm upset about on Gamespy is the grade they gave Forza.....4 POINT FREAKEN 5!?!?! THAT DESERVED A FIVE!!!

20 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

Riped! I laugh at you MC! So esely tricked. You should go back and beat the crap out of that guy for doing that to you... I know I would becuse, I don't take $@*! from anyone.
ELITES ARE BETTER! we wouldn't fall for that BS.

21 | Wind-Mane says:

master chief i cant believe you fell for that...

22 | Spartan058-halogeeky says:

ahaha...very funny...you can't trust anyone chief...wait i thought you learned that already on Reach...

Maybe chief's gone senile on us...they say memories the first thing to go...

MC:"I could kick your A$$ into next weak little man!"

Yeah...but would you remember it afterwards?

23 | Arbitress says:

Haha! lol Very nice Gruntsbane!

24 | red snow says:

lol, noice