A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Gruntsbane says:

I should say here I have nothing against Arby's :D

2 | Xambonie says:

At least he isn't working at McDondald's :)

3 | mrsmiley says:

Arby's makes me sick just thinking about it. A nice target... watch us get sued for using the logo... I suppose if we ever publish a comic book, this one will have to be left out! ;)

4 | Dark Halo says:

Yet another funny comic by Gruntsbane. Keep them coming bro! Peace

5 | Sh4dowSn1p3r says:



6 | An7i says:

Nice one...Woot 6th,7th or 8th post....You never reallyu can tell.

7 | Karlo says:

noice..awesome comic

8 | Arbiter725 says:

lol thats great finally i got a post thats not in the double digits muahaha

9 | LegendaryThunder says:

Awesome, You couldn't have made him look more child like, lol.

Arbies, yep, thank god I never went burger flipping.

10 | VampyricTurialim says:

That is awsome!

11 | Kritz says:


Man. These USED to be funny.

C'mon, look at your old work. It was great.

But now, they just seem random "It seemed good at the time" comics.

Sorry for being a negative, but if you always get positive feedback, you're bound to go downhill. (As already happend)

12 | Spartan_112 says:

owww come one man have some appreciation ^^ I think this is rather funny ^^ not to mention its hard to come up with ideas that everyone likes

13 | Muster Chief says:

This is bloody funny

14 | Xentrion says:

I've always thought of that.
On my way to state bowl, we passed by several Arby's, but we never ate there.

Has anyone here eaten at Arby's?

oh yeah::w00t 14th post

15 | Ecko says:

Great work, guys.

In Reply To #11
I'd like to see you do better.

16 | MrGotBeans says:

Oh, that was funny, I thought you just spelled Arbier wrong and I was all like 'WTF?' but he worked at Arby's. I hope I never have to work at a fast food joint.

17 | Mister Cleft says:

Darn it! You stole my "Arby's" idea. ;-)

*I really need to create a comic strip.*

18 | ArbiterLover#1 says:

Awww....poor dude. But great comic though. I'd go to Arby's all the time if he worked there! LOL (Or as I love to say www, wort wort wort). Anyways, just, yeah, great strip!

19 | Light Kurita says:

LOL finally something that made me laugh insanely......hey, Kirtz, just becuase you don't appreciate stupid funny, or random funny work doesn't mean you should dregreade the strip!

Personally I think it was one of the funniest comics for a while, and I think that they should continue making strips like this one........for a little while at least...

20 | Stuntmutt says:

Nice one.

21 | Anton P. Nym says:

Great strip! I laughed out loud... not something I should be doing at work. (Either.)

-- Steve

22 | PlasmaFire says:

How reassuring that the next time my family comes across another Arby's, my mind goes rampant.

23 | Lovable Werewolf says:

hahah! poor Arby XD

24 | firehawk12 says:

I havent ben to an Arbies in my entire life.
Woot 24th post! yeay.;)

25 | bubbleboy says:

o man i missed it again w/e 25 post that was kinda funny good job keep up the great work

26 | Loknar64 says:

Dang it GruntsBane! Now I want Arbys! ;)

27 | Mister Cleft says:

Arbie now has, "To Serve Man."

28 | HaloNemesis says:

Ah..you draw food too well. Now I crave Arbys. :)
Great comic!

29 | Jaxx says:

That was a great pun guys. Good job. I feel sorry for those who don't get it.

You know... If he was workin' at my local Arby's, I'd eat there every day... ;P

30 | Meta-Knight says:

Haha, very funny! Little known fact that the Arbiter's first job before he joined the covenant was a role in Arby's as the Arbyter! It's true! Lots of bad memories then. Best comic yet! Later guys...

31 | Gandhi says:

I have to say I agree somewhat with Kritz. Its really not that funny and I think it would help if Gruntsbane got a little negative repose every once in a while. I'm not bashing on him or anything, I love some of his other work, but I'm just stating my opinion.

32 | Yayap n' Zuka says:

W00t 32nd post!

Meh... I'm glad I don't work at Arby's...

33 | ansomble28 says:

Yea this was not really funny at all. Arbiter can also be read as Arbyter... clever... yet not funny. I think the one before this was rather funny. Everyone shouldn't just agree cuz GB can draw. He has nice artwork yes. But these punchlines are flat, lame and downright campy. And for future attacks on this post, YES I could do better, I just don't have the time to dedicate to it, (*salutes GB's dedication*), I'm actually righting this post while sitting at my boring File Clerk job in