A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | nrek says:

Another excellent work Gruntsbane.

2 | Ritcheyz says:

That's funny.

3 | viper88 says:

The whole time I thought he was gonna be breaking up with cortana. That call would have been so much easier than this. People flip when you take em off your friends list.

4 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

sounds like he's breaking up with his girlfriend (assuming he has one) :D

5 | Lovable Werewolf says:

heh heh XD

6 | Rotring says:

He he, yea, that was funny, had to let go of some ppl yesterday, always so fu, hrmm,, sad, i meen..

7 | Blah says:

Yay, in the 10's! Great Comic!

8 | Spartan-055 Pete says:

Lol Nice one :D

9 | uneliteelite says:

chief kick me off friend lists!? now me stick grenade in his coffee!

10 | Ritcheyz says:

Poopie doo!

11 | Sk8tuhpunk says:

Woot 11 I remember those days

12 | Lise says:

We're done with...

13 | nutty professor says:

woot 13 post in the 20's

14 | nutty professor says:

by the way nice comic

15 | Preacher Pain says:

Sweet comic as always Gruntsbane.

16 | cky says:

I don't comment your comics just arnt the same man whats going on???????????

17 | bubbleboy says:

great comic keep up the good work #17 awesome

18 | chibi ice says:


19 | Arbitress says:

wow poor chief...

20 | Crosso says:

Too true. and a funny ending and a why to end a call about "your freinds list" its not supposed to be about level really. thats for clan recruting.

21 | Necromas says:

Haha too funny

22 | Hardrive 116 says:

I Gotta Say, If Letting One Person Go is a Big Deal, I'm a Heartbreaker...I Deleted like 30 People Yesterday

23 | Turialim says:

Fecking excallent. Iv been meaning to make that call to a couple of my friends too....

24 | Viper says:

phew the fact that he was saying like he would to a girlfiend scared me

25 | mooching sack of death says:

poor, poor.....person....?

26 | The Arbitress says:

I wonder who the Master Chief let go of? Definitely not Cortana, that's for sure.

27 | Java says:

LMFFAO!!!! That's how I did it! I reached 100 and I had just gotten into a new group of people who were amazing! So I was like, "Gawd, I don't know