A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | Cheezo says:

*Blank stare* Uhhh..okie dokie. That was- it was certainly- *blink*.

Hey look, a distraction!

2 | akba says:

That grunt looks familiar to me... :p


3 | Mista_B says:


And that's all I'll say to that.

4 | De HunterNATOR 666 says:

1hell of a good reason 2 never take B cortana in that kinda smaal places!

5 | Dr. Doom says:

Too small, huh? Is an XBOX hard drive 'big' enough for you?

6 | Morpheus says:

In the words of Bart and Lisa,


7 | DrummerJon says:

Is that the grunt from one one se7en?...i know that grunt from somewhere(like Akba and De HunterNator)

8 | beebegun91 says:

hilarious, you can really talk sickingly while on the computer.

9 | the cooler yapyap says:

what's akba if its a comic can someone send me a link

10 | apebroom says:

i don't get it

11 | Yobri says:

for some odd reason that comic left me deeply confused and disturbed...

12 | Kynitekia says:

um, yeah, im gonna have to tack on a negative sign to that comic...

13 | lorry the wire man says:

it would be funnier if chief said that to cortana :)[hehesnort)

14 | bungie says:

I DONT GET IT????????

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