A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | Darth Vader with Elite Sword says:

Kinda stupid!!!!!
Really stupid!!:P
Even a grunt can do better!!!:)

2 | Gruntsbane says:

Heheh I liked it.

3 | bigcortana says:

Hey, I try okay. If you don't like it, fine. I can't wait to see your fan strip.

4 | shirt ninja says:

You tell him BC. Great comic, and a grunt definaly could not do better, an elite mabey, but not a grunt. ( I'm kidding )

5 | pat says:

haha sounds like something mrsmiley would do!

6 | Riley217 says:

Big Cortana, tiny Chief and Marines, cute very cute.

7 | Dr. Doom says:

Who needs Foehammer? Cortana got everything under control.

8 | drunkmendoza says:

its y2...whatever it is computers and a.i rule the world run!!!

9 | red elite says:

wow good one bigcortana no need to feel bad.

10 | inferno says:

now they dont need foehammer. cortana can just chuck them to the other side of halo

11 | killa carrot says:

Ummmmm.... sry, but its not the best thing ever...but the little master chief is so cute! lol

12 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Come on argue with her shes big you got a weaponed-fulled car when it gets bigg do what you do...
I forgot holograms are right through

LOL! 10/10

13 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Come on argue with her shes big you got a weaponed-fulled car when it gets bigg do what you do...
I forgot holograms are right through

LOL! 10/10

14 | fucker says:

fuck dat shit.

15 | charlie says:

wow that is awsome they should do that in halo 3

16 | charlie says:

wow that is awsome they should do that in halo 3

17 | Stephen likes to play Footsies with Robin says:

I don't get it.

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