A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | Claw says:

Work on the art (not that i'm an artist) and work on the English please!

2 | Curious Grunt says:

A homemade ghost, huh?

3 | lola says:

uhh.... duh whats the idiea? i don't get it!

4 | Spec Ops Elite says:

Lola, the idea is that he is explaning to him-self, then demonstrates it but, the owner of the ghost sees it and calles his mom, simple yet effectave

5 | Mister Chief says:

Lol that was funni i guess, i TRIED to make a homemade ghost.. and my firned made a sword, wen i hoped on it ripped and didnt do ne thing and my friend stepped on it then it was all dirty and the duct tape was gone :P

6 | halo died says:

man lol i wish i was there

7 | Yobri says:

am i the only one that realized that he spelled vehicles wrong?

8 | Darth Dun Dun says:

I made a ghost...I used hair dryers...It didnt work...

9 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Man insultive to my ghost but thats is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyy overscore 10000000000/10

10 | says says says says says says says says:

You should work on your english man! And master chief never wears spetacles!

11 | The Unknown Solder says:

Yer artwork and English could use some fine tuning

12 | bungie says:

AND STILL I DONT GET IT???????????????

13 | elite major says:

wort wort wort?

14 | elite major says:

wort wort wort?!

15 | elite major says:

oops i posted twice

16 | Kiao 'Silomee says:

*Laughs at elite major* S'etile t'nod tsop uoy toidi!

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