A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | Tinkey-Winkey says:

dude, you just only used 4 animations for a strip of 6 squares...... I don't even know if you drew them yourself!

2 | mrsmiley says:

Umm... he didn't draw them, he used photoshop to edit an official strip by Gruntsbane. Sometimes I wonder about people...

3 | red elite says:

i never thout i would say this but....i feel sorry for sarge!

4 | Curious Grunt says:

Dang, I really wonder where Sarge got his multiplayer talent from.

5 | lola says:

mr. smiley are you a real person? do you make the comics?

6 | Spec Ops Elite says:

Sarge just does not seem like the guy i tend to feel sry for, it's the Marines that i feel sry for, cause they don't come back, exept for in the games. And the gus who come back are Dubbo, Jenkins and Mendoza!

7 | carrot critic says:

sry, but u didn't draw those. oh yea, what was with cortana? she was CREEPY! smiley, stare, scary, smiley, weird ppl randomly and then scary again?

8 | halofromhell says:

hehe nice remake of another halobabies comic

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