A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | akba says:

Nice comic! I really like the drawing, it looks alot better than your last comic (the drawing quality).

Although I'm not dissing you last comic, only thing I'm good at drawing are circles, and that's when I'm trying to draw a straight line ;)

Keep up the good work!


2 | Rogue Elite says:

Mwuhahahaha! that Grutn reminds me of myself >=D
Uber funny, i love it!

3 | shirt ninja says:


4 | Polarbear says:

The RL: Water balloons are grenades, so I had it shooting those. But they'd break in the barrel..so it's compressed air, like an old Daisy rifle, firing Whiffle balls or Nerf.
Thanks, folks..my aim is to get better each and every time!

5 | yayap says:

uhh.... what did i do?

6 | De HunterNATOR 666 says:

When grunts get revenge of the MC :)P!!!

7 | some guy says:

rofl, very good!

8 | Curious Grunt says:

Oh sure, the Chief would fail in finger-painting, but I'd give him an A+ with the rocket luancher!

9 | Buffalo wing says:

thats the best fan comic ive ever seen!

10 | SPARTAN-058 says:

LMAO!! *rolls on floor* that is SO FUNNY!! wow...if you have aol and wanna talk....im me at SPARTAN ELITE 89

11 | inferno says:


he failed finger painting

uh oh yayap's dead

12 | gruntlover says:

grunt are geting back at MC.i love it 10/10

13 | DragonSparke says:

LOL! I didn't know it was possible to fail fingerpainting.

14 | dog on fire says:

how can you fail finger painting 10/10

15 | HALO GOD OF DEATH says:


16 | .kaboose. says:

give me the money halo god

17 | Prophet you should Regret says:

What grunt wants to get killed by a ROCKET LAUNCHER.

He should take his armor of.

8/10 its good some thing more funnier would be better.

18 | the grunt that so cute that u wanna squish him says:

I HOPE YAYAP GETS KILLED BY MTHE ROCKETS KINETIK BLAST AND ALSO THAT HE GOES TO HELL!!!man that grunt is as stupid as someone jumping off a plane or bushes inteligence.by the way great comic rofl lmao lol ^-^

from [HAT]light

19 | the unkown soilder says:

i had 2 read it twice but its good nice artwork

20 | Shadow says:


21 | klaymanbill says:

i luv this comic, it has a sense of humor that couldnot be done b4 by a fan strip :)

22 | some random guy says:

THis is a very funny comic I like it.

23 | Longshotz5798 says:

You have to admit this is hilarious.
How's the grunt gonna tell everybody with his legs bit off???

24 | theundoer says:

OMFG!!! I would bite that Grunt's legs off too! Good drawing too. Maybe i should try drawing Halo Babies... hmmm...
Good comic though. #25!!!

25 | Stephen likes to play Footsies with Robin says:

love the drawing, hated the dialogue.

26 | Robin likes to play Footsies with Stephen says:

hated the dialogue, loved the drawing

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