A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


120 comments so far | leave your own

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1 | The Arbiter says:


I liked that one, gave me a good laugh. Heh. Keep up the good work. (haha, Grunt/Sarge/Gollum)

Woot, 1st post

2 | Serge_THE_GREAT says:

Sargeant Gruntson? Excellent!

3 | ritcheyz says:

nice one, i have 11 friends named oscar! haha!

4 | pressure says:

lol excellent!
funny this is I can image the sarge/gollum/grunt thing...

5 | shuzuko says:

wtf~ lolz. sarge/grunt/gollum= frollum? hahaha...

6 | Poodle of Death says:

another nice movie-parody^^

7 | donut says:

LMFAO!! Hillarious!!
How would Chief remember if there were volcanoes in Halo's control room? Normally he cant even remember what day it is...

8 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

I like the effect of the lights in the first two panels, my precciousssssss

9 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

SGT.SMEAGLE! IT RULES!! ps: 10th post!

10 | Morta died in my Halo movie... Agi saved his life... says:

Nice tone on the first two slides GB, schweeht detail there. Is it just me.. or does Cortana look like Thomas the Tank Engine?

Bad memories...

11 | A random mad halo fan says:

three wordsz zoh my blam!

12 | the drunken Flood form says:

13! oh yeah! But anyways, this strip irritated me because the fact that someone that knows nothing of Halo is trying to direct a Halo movie, just makes me wanna hit macho man Randy Savage. (Family guy)

13 | gruntisniper says:

Bang! sarge?!! oops! lucky ur invincible.

14 | Lord Devil D says:

Tartarus=Sauron(hammer that kicks every1 a 100 feet avar)
Half-jaw=Gandalf white/gray(spec op armor)
Orcs=Jackals(theyr ugly)
Uruk-hai(brutes)What?They got berzerkers 2....
Trolls(Flood juggernaut)
Army of dead(Flood/They are dead en alot of them)
Sauron=Red 343 gs

15 | SinisterMonkey says:

ROFL ROFL ROFL *dies of laughter*
Reminds me of this a recent One One Se7en strip

16 | $parten Haze says:

Lol,what next? A remake of E.T.? Lol,good work Hb,keep up the great comics!

17 | LegendaryThunder says:

LMAO! thats great gruntsbane.

Lets just hope he doesn't get the two movies mixed up, just because there is a ring involved.

18 | Sinnyo says:

Okay, now THAT is a bit of inspired class. :P

19 | Snarf Da Grunt says:

woooo, 20th comment! That is really cheesy. but fortunately cheese is good. Good plot though, funny.

20 | ash says:

peter jackson best not make the film crap! great artwork man the comics RULE! oh and by the way 20th post

21 | SPARTAN III says:

They NEED to talk to the director of 28 days later for doing the flood, THAT guy can do zombies.

22 | Bitter Warrior says:

If they dont't do the movie in CGI I will slap them in the face over and over very hard. And if they don't, they better have the voice actor from the game doing MC's voice, cause you won't see his face anyway. They need Nightmare armor 2. maybe They should just let us direct the movie. They at least better have Bungie consultants on hand before they butcher the plot and sodomize the core beliefs of my life.

23 | mrsmiley says:

holy crap, GB. you really outdid yourself! that's fantastic!

24 | Dev says:

ROFL. XDDD This is the best one in a long time, I think. Excellent art, too. Much more detailed then some of the more recent ones.

Cortana does act like that pretty much though in Halo 1 control room. o_o I like the comparison, whether it was intentional or not. Y'know.. "All that knowledge, so much, so fast.. IT'S GLORIOUS!!11!" Me and my brothers call that Cortana's Power-hungry moment..

25 | Wyoming says:

Oh dear, a typographical error* in the comic, otherwise great!

*detsroy -> destroy

26 | Switch 9 says:


27 | Jaxx says:

Nice one guys. :P

28 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

oooookkkkaaaayyy..........that's just.....wrong.....anyways, awsome adaptation, Gruntsbane!!

29 | A random mad halo fan says:

Great job on these comics Gruntsbane! IMO it's time for some covvie/ex-covvie comics again!

30 | K0d1ak says:

LOL! gr8 comic! im loving the grunt suit

31 | hotsauce says:

Nice comic, guys. Nice art on Jackson.


32 | GooFBalL says:

hahhaa! beautiful work! the grunt/gollum was rather disturbing, but other wise very funny

33 | Spartan-055 Pete says:

HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH! Love it Great Stuff there. I can just see Chief In mount doom.

34 | StuFFenSchniTTe says:

GREAT COMIC *fg*, I <3 it!!!
Now it's one of my favourites.
P.S. greetz from germany

35 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

NICE!!! hehehehe! can't........wait! halo movie! wooooo

36 | Dude says:

\V/007 36TH |>057!!! 6R34T 0???

37 | Tryan Shootamee says:

Peter Jackson isn't directing...he's producing...the guy who did "28 days later" is directing...and from what bungie is saying...the movie is going to be awsome! i don't don't either one of there abilities...Peter Jackson is probably the only one who could have pulled the "Lord of the Rings" series off, every one else said it couldn't be done...i have FULL trust in them both...now...who's gunna play the chief...and cortana...and...everyone else?

38 | grunt biter says:

i think Vin diesel is doin mcs voice in movie

39 | Grizzled Ancient says:

they're not doin alo