A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | DARKNESS says:

wow nice

2 | Nicko says:

well they were running out of ideas, they had to kill someone off

3 | no_117 says:

I hated mister chief... I LOVE THIS COMIC!

4 | neverlandvictim says:

LoL that was a good one

5 | shorty says:

nooooo now baby mc will look like mister chief

6 | Xerro says:

I agree with baby MC, WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN?! The background for some reason reminds me of anime. Well anyway good comic, but he isn't actually going to take mister chiefs armour. Is he?

7 | ~Trail says:

hmmmm that death sounds familiar. Are you paying RVB royalties? j/k

8 | Sh4dowSn1p3r says:

lol funny. o o no HES GONNA LOOK LIKE A FREAK!!!!!!o no o no o no o no o no no nononononononononononono

9 | MathijsBuster says:

LoL, that's the same thing Church from Red VS Blue said when he died. Funny!

10 | Gruntish Elite says:

wow. I have been gone for 2 weeks and look what I missed! Life has been uber busy for me lateley...but that was good..i loved the classic cheezy X eyes. LOL!

11 | Red Loser says:

I love Baby MC's reaction in the second panel...very funny!

12 | Khaim says:

I love the "HRRK! Blehhh..." part.

13 | Gavman says:

lol yeah RvB's influence is far reaching indeed. :P lol yeah but what does "RIB" mean?

14 | ObbiQuiet says:

Awesome. Has Frankie seen this one yet?

15 | The_Eliminator says:

The mister chief's apperance was way too short lived. Ribs?? And why is the mister chief still in one piece? Oh yeah, I frogot Halo has strange physics.

16 | Fred-104 says:

nice one guys. but i didnt get the ribs part. i should get it later. the best part was mister chief dieing that was good.

17 | Master Gunner says:

"ribs" is from one of frankies updates, check the halo.bungie.org archive.

18 | Spartan Chick says:

You guys don't get anything with ribs in it. First the It's Quiet one, now this one. Then again I didn't get the Quiet one either. Anyway I really liked this one. The Master Chief's body in the second panel is priceless.
Gruntsbane, do you like ribs or something?

19 | Chruch @ school says:

Dude, that is awesome. Nice emotion in the second frame. Poor Mister Chief going ribs...

I wonder what ribs means. It's something to do with the insanity that is Bungie, that is certain...

20 | Frankie says:

Mister Chief only looks dead. He's like Neo.