A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Nickos says:

that's a sweet illustration, pity theres no words...

2 | Gruntsbane says:

It says a thousand words.

Sorry. That was corny :P

3 | tylium says:

uhm is it just me or is it like the ending of HALO 1 but than in covie style

gunts where is chiefy

4 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

The eternal holiday was due for a time at the sperm bank cafetiria. The fruits of life bought a turkey dinner and a side of cask wine to the table of horrors. The Belief system of poragatives could not contstrain the dukebox-bombshells. Midnight vultures complete the photo of the portait of minds........kudos on the imagination

5 | Kanman-075 says:

Good job Gruntsbane! Nice picture too!

6 | Seargent_Big says:

Don't worry. The title carries all the pun.

7 | Yayap and Zuka says:

it wouldve been cooer if there had been some words

8 | elitesniper says:

the name is kind of funny

9 | spartan says:

i don't get it.....

10 | Eibe 'Niquaree says:

duuuuuudddddeeee ;D
that is a SWEET looking BOOM!
tenth post, YEAH!

11 | hminn says:

Stop complaining about the lack of words!
Did the background image come from somewhere else? It's gorgeous.

12 | no_117 says:

kinda good, but you gotta be runnin outta ideas for somethin like this

13 | rabid08 says:


14 | Church says:

Nice explosion. Really quite detailed, and blue!

15 | Xerro says:

Yeah illustration cool, but i also think something needed to be said. Not much needed to be said just a one liner by the chief which shows the stupidity that you've given him in this comic. Something simple like "oooO, pretty" Anyway can't wait for next weeks comic.

16 | DeathsPaleHorse says:

oh, do i luv it when things go BOOM! very nice job gruntsbane!! and here i thought that bootifool explosions were the work of sfx guys. SWEET!!:o

17 | Why Bash Halo Babies? says:

For those of you who somehow don't understand the joke.. The game Battleship should ring a bell.. "You Sunk